Lazlo moholy-nagy photograms

Man ray photograms

With this shadow-image of a hand and paintbrush, Moholy-Nagy ambitiously suggests that photography may incorporate, and even transcend, painting as the most vital medium of .

lazlo moholy-nagy photograms

Laszlo moholy-nagy photography style

Moholy-Nagy proposed that a photogram was like a light painting and in the early 1920's produced several photograms in which the two dimensional surface of the photosensitive .

Laszlo moholy nagy artnet

Early examples for the adaption of techniques of painting in photography are László Moholy-Nagy’s (1895-1946) photograms dating from the 1920s.

László moholy-nagy moma
Light Play brings together 68 works from negatives created between and , including Moholy-Nagy’s earliest experiments with photomontage (“photoplastics,” as he .