Biografia de girolamo cardano contributions

Girolamo cardano imaginary numbers

Gerolamo Cardano (Italian: [dʒeˈrɔːlamo karˈdaːno]; also Girolamo[1] or Geronimo; [2] French: Jérôme Cardan; Latin: Hieronymus Cardanus; 24 September – 21 September ) was an Italian polymath whose interests and proficiencies ranged through those of mathematician, physician, biologist, physicist, See more.
biografia de girolamo cardano contributions

Gerolamo cardano contributions mathematics

His contributions range from a comprehensive account of order in all its various meanings (natural, human, and divine) to epistemological and methodological directions .

How did gerolamo cardano die

Girolamo Cardan or Cardano was an Italian doctor and mathematician who is famed for his work Ars Magna which was the first Latin treatise devoted solely to algebra.

What is girolamo cardano famous for
The most profound study of Cardano’s contribution to the theory of games is Oystein Ore, Cardano the Gambling Scholar (Princeton, ), which concludes with Gould’s .